“Trio" is the story of 3 Icelandic surfers who found friendship through their common love of finding the best waves across the wild coastline of Iceland each winter.

Working closely with director Mark Broadbent, we crafted a story by navigating through vast amounts of footage and piecing together this narrative to tell an incredible story. Make sure to check out the full documentary below.

My goal was to tell the story of three Icelandic surfers, while capturing the broader image of life in Iceland. During the editing process I considered multiple directions. Ani took the time to try several approaches, massaged the footage, and found connections I hadn’t considered. I couldn’t be happier with the result
— Mark Broadbent ACCS, Director/DOP


Director/DOP: Mark Broadbent
Editor: Anasiou Canaris
Colourist: Angela Cerasi
Sound Design: Nicholas Rowan
Re-record mixer: Joel Hodgkinson
Featuring: Ingolfur M. Olsen, Ari Daníel Agnarsson, Anton Arnasson

Thanks to Arctic Surfers.